Nursery applications for places to start in September 2024 – APPLY NOW >>

Limited places available in reception for September 2024 intake – APPLY NOW via your local authority.



Students identified with SEND are able to access the general curriculum within the Academy, achieved by using a range of strategies designed to meet the needs of individual students. This includes a range of 1:1 and small group interventions, including both direct teaching and the use of computer software. The Inclusion department also provides some in-class support, working with teachers across a number of subjects.

Shireland Collegiate Academy Trust highly values a holistic approach to supporting SEND students. We are working collaboratively with external organisations to promote a range of SEND opportunities for students and their families.

Policies and documents relating to Inclusion will be uploaded below when they are available.

Kirsty Cole, our Assistant Principal, is also our SENDCo and can be contacted regarding any SEND queries. If you wish to contact her, please email

Policies and documents
