Nursery applications now open

We are very pleased to be able to say that applications for nursery places from September 2024 onwards are now open.

Based on attendance at our open events and online enquiries received, there is certainly a lot of interest in the nursery, so we expect places to be taken up quickly.

To apply, please complete our online form:

If you have difficulties completing the form online or would like to complete a paper version, please contact us at

Please note that completing the form does not guarantee a place at the nursery. We will be in touch with you to confirm your place soon.

The nursery has 26 places and will be located on our main school site on Lichfield Road in Wednesfield, on the site of the former Edward the Elder School.

Following in the footsteps of Shireland Technology Primary, our Trust’s first technology primary, which was recently rated outstanding in all five categories by Ofsted in its first inspection, our school is dedicated to providing a supportive learning environment. We want pupils to exceed expectations and discover their true potential, supporting them as they grow into well-rounded, confident, and thoughtful individuals.

We combine the best of traditional education with technology-infused learning to create an exciting and immersive curriculum. Our goal is to empower students to thrive and confidently step into their future in an ever-evolving digital world.

Our commitment extends to our state-of-the-art facilities including our school building, which has been designed to meet the Passivhaus classic standard. This means that we prioritise energy efficiency and performance to create an optimal learning environment for our pupils while also being considerate towards the environment.

By using eco-friendly technologies and sustainable materials, we create a comfortable and more naturally healthy educational space. This includes improving air quality, maintaining consistent temperatures throughout the year, and harnessing natural lighting to enhance pupils’ concentration, wellbeing, and classroom engagement. The school will be a part of Shireland Collegiate Academy Trust, a well-established multi-academy Trust with ten schools across the Black Country.

Places are also available for our first reception cohort, to start in September 2024. Applications for reception should be made through your local authority.

If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact us

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